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A member registered Feb 18, 2017

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I actually have zero memory of what you're referring to. 
I own MV rpg maker and enjoy snooping around the maps a little too much. 

Are we ever gonna get the jackoff spot moved somewhere we can access it. >.> Yknow. the one in the middle of the water on the docks map. >.>

Sweet. Glad I could help. Can't wait to see more of this. I may have gone through a ton of the current gameplay currently. (and slowly need to scour to see if I've missed anything)

Minor Bug.  On the Normal Fighting Route near the end you encounter a large group of enemies. 3 regular Hyenas and 2 of the Yellow Jacket guys that wind up their attacks. It's clear they're meant to alternate their wind up to give this fight some challenge. I even lost the first time. I came in the second time and used two of the Hard Times attack. This managed to knocked out the first guy before he finished his attack. Afterward the second Yellow Jacket Hyena simply stood still. I left him for last and was free to focus up back to full and then attack him without him ever winding up for an attack.

My guess is because I never let the first guy finish a trigger on the second guy didn't occur.